The photo above compares Strelets British Crimean infantry figures (regulars and Highlanders) with Crimean British artillery and infantry from Douglas Miniatures. From left to right the models are: Douglas gunner (partly painted), Strelets Highland infantry (unpainted), Douglas regular infantry, Strelets regular infantry, Douglas officer, another Strelets regular. Click on the images for a larger version.
Manufacturers’ designations:
The Strelets figures come from set 0028 “Crimean War British Line Infantry” and set 0029 “Crimean War British Highlanders.”
The Douglas infantry and gunner are from their Crimean War range (set numbering to be provided).
Height compatibility (measured from sole of foot to eyes):
Strelets Regular Infantry – 22mm.
Strelets Highlanders – 24mm.
Douglas models – 23mm.
Body Build compatibility (from 5 categories):
Strelets Regulars – C (Average)
Strelets Highlanders – D (Somewhat heavy)
Douglas – B (Slender)
Overall conclusions:
Manufacturers’ designations:
The Strelets figures come from set 0028 “Crimean War British Line Infantry” and set 0029 “Crimean War British Highlanders.”
The Douglas infantry and gunner are from their Crimean War range (set numbering to be provided).
Height compatibility (measured from sole of foot to eyes):
Strelets Regular Infantry – 22mm.
Strelets Highlanders – 24mm.
Douglas models – 23mm.
Body Build compatibility (from 5 categories):
Strelets Regulars – C (Average)
Strelets Highlanders – D (Somewhat heavy)
Douglas – B (Slender)
Overall conclusions:
As mentioned in earlier postings, Strelets is the only maker currently producing a substantial range of plastic figures for the Crimean War (with more on the way). The disparity in height and style between Strelet’s regular troops, and the Highlanders has also been noted previously. Once again, this means that the Douglas troops shown here can be nicely matched with the Strelets regulars, but do not mesh well with their Scottish brethren.
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