The photo above compares two plastic figures from Italeri (A,C) with a pair of metal soldiers from Outland Games (B,D). Click on the image to see a larger version.
Manufacturer’s Designation and Number of Poses:
The Outland models come from their SYW range. Unfortunately, I was not given catalogue numbers for them; and no comprehensive set of images was available on either the Outland site or the GFI site when they were active. Therefore I cannot positively identify the figures, although I think these sculpts were originally released under the Battalionfeuer banner.
Figure Characteristics:
Rider Height (measured from ground to eyes): 29-30 mm.
Rider Height (measured from ground to top of head): 31-32 mm.
Availability and Cost:
Outland’s figures were available through GFI, but as of late 2010 GFI has suspended operations. Since the Outland website is also defunct, it seems that the figures are not currently available.
Notes on the Samples:
The Outland models were generously provided by the manufacturer.
Manufacturer’s Designation and Number of Poses:
The Italeri figures come from box 6044, “British Light Cavalry, US Independence War (1776)." The box contains 16 mounted figures in 8 poses, on a choice of 5 horse poses. There is also a casualty figure with a downed horse.
Italeri currently offers three other sets for the American War of Independence, although this is the only cavalry set.
Figure Characteristics:
Height (measured from ground to rider’s eyes): 31mm.
Height (measured from ground to top of rider’s head): 33mm.
Availability and Cost:
Italeri is currently producing this set, which can be found through various plastic model distributors, and at hobby shops.
Notes on the Samples:
The sample figures were obtained in a trade with Will McNally.
This is the owner of Outland Games. We are not defunct, only in temporary stasis. I had to move to a new location and all the stuff had to into storage. I predict that sometime late next year we will be back.
The figures you have are from our 20mm SYW Russians. If I am not mistaken, the one is a mounted Colonel and the other a Russian Dragoon. I could not see details from the pic.
BTW, the website is also not defunct:
It, like the casting business, is in stasis at the moment. However ,there are examples of these SYW figures on the site-just click the 'SYW' button.
I bought the Battalionfeuer line of 20mm figures a while ago, so these are now Outland Games figures.
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