The photo shows 5 Strelets-R figures in blue plastic, compared with two B&B Miniatures models, in bare metal. Click on the image for a larger version.
Manufacturers’ designations: The plastic figures come from Strelets’ set 024 – Crimean War French Light Infantry. The B&B figures are from set FPFI-14 in the Franco-Prussian range – French Marines Advancing.
Height compatibility (measured from sole of foot to eyes):
The Strelets figures measure 21mm, while the B&B models are 20mm high.
Sculpting style compatibility (on 5 pt scale):
Strelets: C (average).
B&B: E (exaggerated)
Compatibility of uniform, equipment, etc: Since the two figures represent different units, there are no obvious incompatibilities.
Overall conclusions:
Given the similar heights, the two manufacturers can work reasonably well together on a games table. However, B&B’s sculpting style will always stand out on close examination.
the uniforms were different to the franco prussian plus rifle
B and B's sculpting looks bad to be honest, the plastic ones look better.
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