
Saturday, April 3, 2010

Newline vs Italeri, Napoleonic Highland Infantry

The photo above compares three plastic Highlanders from Italeri (A,C,E) with a similar number of metal Highlanders from Newline Designs (B,D, F). Click on the image for a larger version.


Manufacturers’ Designation and Number of Poses:

The Newline Design figures come from their 20 mm Napoleonics range. They are from pack BR03 “Highland Command Advancing/Marching.” This pack includes four figures: the three shown above, plus a double of one of them, which varies by pack.

The Napoleonics range from Newline Design is extensive and covers all major participants. For the British, Newline has 89 different codes in their catalogue, some of which (such as the one illustrated here) have multiple poses.

Figure Characteristics:

Height (measured from sole of foot to eyes): 19mm.
Body Build: Average.

Availability and Cost:

Newline Design figures are currently in production, and can be ordered directly from the manufacturer. Foot figures are sold in packs of four, for £1.75.


Manufacturer's designation and Number of Poses:

The Italeri figures come from box 6004, "Grenadiers Highlander Infantry, Napoleonic Wars 1815." The box contains 50 figures in 15 poses.

Figure Characteristics:

Height (measured from sole of foot to eyes): 22mm.
Body Build: Average.

Availability and Cost:

Italeri is not currently producing this set, but it can still be found occasionally at online and second hand shops.


Rafael Pardo said...

I am curious about a comparison with the classic Airfix highlanders... the very first figures I bought, 30 years ago!
Regards and keep the good work!

Plastic Hussar said...


Check out the March 19 posting. I think that's what you are looking for.


Rafael Pardo said...

Thanks! I'll do it