The photo above compares three plastic Steltsi from Strelets-R (A,C,E) with a pair of metal Turks from Ral Partha (B,D). Click on the image for a larger version.
Manufacturer's Designation and Number of Poses:
The Ral Partha figures come from their “The Condottieri” range. According to a 1985 catalogue, the Turks in this range included 10 codes, some of which contained more than one pose. In addition, the range included Swiss and Imperialist troops.
The figures illustrated are from the following codes.
B: 54-609 “Turkish Spearman”
D: 54-610 “Turk with Scimitar and Buckler”
Figure Characteristics:
Height (measured from sole of foot to eyes): 23mm.
Height (measured from sole of foot to top of head): 25mm.
Availability and Cost:
With the exception of Colonial subjects, most Ral Partha historical figures continue to be produced by Iron Wind, a successor firm. However, Iron Wind does not seem to be offering The Condottieri range at present.
Manufacturer’s Designation and Number of Poses:
The plastic figures are bonus figures, which were included in a number of Strelets boxes. The contents and periods of the box had nothing to do with the bonus figures, which represent Streltsi of the 17th century. The particular figures illustrated came from the following sets:
A. 24 Crimean French Light Infantry
C. 29 Crimean British Highlanders
E. 25 Crimean Russian Line Infantry
Figure Characteristics:
Figure A Height (measured from sole of foot to eyes): 21mm.
Figure A Height (measured from sole of foot to top of head): 23mm.
Figure B Height (measured from sole of foot to eyes): 22mm.
Figure B Height (measured from sole of foot to top of head): 24mm.
Figure C Height (measured from sole of foot to eyes): 19mm.
Figure C Height (measured from sole of foot to top of head): 21mm.
Availability and Cost:
Strelets started releasing these bonus figures in 2003, but have slowed down recently, especially with the reduction of number of poses in their boxes. As of Sept 2010, PSR identifies 22 different poses available.
Manufacturer's Designation and Number of Poses:
The Ral Partha figures come from their “The Condottieri” range. According to a 1985 catalogue, the Turks in this range included 10 codes, some of which contained more than one pose. In addition, the range included Swiss and Imperialist troops.
The figures illustrated are from the following codes.
B: 54-609 “Turkish Spearman”
D: 54-610 “Turk with Scimitar and Buckler”
Figure Characteristics:
Height (measured from sole of foot to eyes): 23mm.
Height (measured from sole of foot to top of head): 25mm.
Availability and Cost:
With the exception of Colonial subjects, most Ral Partha historical figures continue to be produced by Iron Wind, a successor firm. However, Iron Wind does not seem to be offering The Condottieri range at present.
Manufacturer’s Designation and Number of Poses:
The plastic figures are bonus figures, which were included in a number of Strelets boxes. The contents and periods of the box had nothing to do with the bonus figures, which represent Streltsi of the 17th century. The particular figures illustrated came from the following sets:
A. 24 Crimean French Light Infantry
C. 29 Crimean British Highlanders
E. 25 Crimean Russian Line Infantry
Figure Characteristics:
Figure A Height (measured from sole of foot to eyes): 21mm.
Figure A Height (measured from sole of foot to top of head): 23mm.
Figure B Height (measured from sole of foot to eyes): 22mm.
Figure B Height (measured from sole of foot to top of head): 24mm.
Figure C Height (measured from sole of foot to eyes): 19mm.
Figure C Height (measured from sole of foot to top of head): 21mm.
Availability and Cost:
Strelets started releasing these bonus figures in 2003, but have slowed down recently, especially with the reduction of number of poses in their boxes. As of Sept 2010, PSR identifies 22 different poses available.
Hi Chris,
Did you see that Great Endeavours looks like it is going to release the Condottieri range?
They have a link to Condottieri range products, but it is not working at the moment.
Sorry it took a while to reply. My computer was out of action for two weeks.
Anyways, thanks for the tip. I will check this out, and add it to any further postings on this range.
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