
Thursday, April 9, 2009

ACTA vs Les Higgins, ECW Foot

The photo above compares four metal English Civil War figures from Les Higgins to three plastic figures from A Call to Arms (ACTA). Click on the image for a larger version.

Manufacturers’ designations:

The ACTA figures are from box 61 “House of Campaign, Royalist Infantry.”

The Les Higgins figures come from their English Civil War range. From left to right they are: EP 14 (musketeer) EP 3 (pikeman), EP 1C (officer), EP 12 (drummer).

Height compatibility (measured from sole of foot to eyes):
A Call To Arms – 21mm.
Les Higgins – The LH figures are 21mm, except the officer in the middle who stands at just 19mm.

Body Build compatibility (from 5 categories):
A Call to Arms – C (average)
Les Higgins – C (average)

Overall conclusions:
A Call to Arms is the only plastic maker currently producing ECW figures. It is nice therefore to report that the Les Higgins figures are a perfect complement. Other than the one diminutive officer, the LH figures stand side by side with their plastic cousins, and share a similar sculpting style. This means it is entirely possible to mix figures in the same units if needed.
And finally, since the Les Higgins range does include other officers, it is possible to avoid the shorter sculpt if desired.

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