The photo above compares three metal figures from the Musket Miniatures range (A,C,E) with a pair of plastic soldiers from HaT (B,D). Click on the image to see a larger version.
Manufacturer’s Designation:
The metal figures come from Musket Miniatures’ 22mm American Civil War range. They are from code CWH125 “Infantry standing loading” which comes with 8 figures in 4 poses, and includes several head variations.
Musket’s range is very large, and contains more than 300 different codes.
Figure Characteristics:
Height (measured from sole of foot to eyes): 20mm.
Height (measured from sole of foot to top of head): 22mm.
Availability and Cost:
Figures from Musket Miniatures can be found on the company’s website:
They are sold in several ways. Individual figures can be purchased for 75 cents (US), packages of 8 castings cost $5.25 US, while a regiment of 20 figures, including command, costs $12.95.
Manufacturer’s Designation and Number of Poses:
The HaT figure comes from box 8004 “A.C.W. Union Zouaves.” The box contains 48 figures in 9 poses.
Figure Characteristics:
Height (measured from sole of foot to eyes): 21.
Height (measured from sole of foot to top of head): 23.
Availability and Cost:
This is one of HaT’s older sets, first released in 1997. The set is still available and can be found through various online and local hobby shops and distributors.
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