The photo above compares three German infantry figures from B&B Miniatures (unpainted metal) with several World War One Airfix figures (re-released by HaT) painted as Prussian infantry of the Franco-Prussian war. Click on the images for a larger version.
Manufacturers’ designations:
The Airfix figures are from box 01726: “WW1 German Infantry.” They were reissued by HaT as set 7001, with the same name.
The B & B figures come from their Franco-Prussian range, and are part of the “FPGI-7 Saxon Grenadiers” set.
Height compatibility (measured from sole of foot to eyes):
Airfix/HaT – 21mm.
B&B – 20mm
Body Build compatibility (from 5 categories):
Airfix/HaT – as a whole, this box is rated C (average) although the pose at port arms falls more into the D (somewhat heavy) category.
B&B – E (exaggerated)
Overall conclusions: These two sets of figures go together quite well. The height is very close, and given that the B&B figures have thicker bases, almost unnoticeable. While the metal figures are sculpted in a very heavy style, some of the Airfix poses are compatible. (The standing firing pose on the other hand, are not a good match). The back view of the Airfix/HaT figures show the biggest compatibility problem. As First World War figures they are sculpted either with a “y” strap on their back, or a pack with the greatcoat wrapped around it. To be used for the period forty years earlier, they should have had the greatcoat slung over a shoulder, and be wearing cross belts.
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